Fertility awareness/luonnollinen perhesuunnittelu ja tieteellinen tutkimus

Fertility awareness / Natural Family Planning menetelmien luotettavuuteen liittyviä tutkimuksia:

P. Frank-Herrmann, J. Heil, C. Gnoth, E. Toledo, S. Baur, C. Pyper, E. Jenetzky, T. Strowitzki, G. Freundl, (2007). The effectiveness of a fertility awareness based method to avoid pregnancy in relation to a couple’s sexual behaviour during the fertile time: a prospective longitudinal study. Human Reproduction 22(5): 1310-1319.

Frank Herrmann P, Freundl G, Gnoth C, et al (1997). Natural Family Planning with and without barrier method use in the fertile phase: efficacy in relation to sexual behavior: a German prospective long-term study. Advances in Contraception 13:179-189.

Bhargava H, Bhatia JC, Ramachandran L, Rohatgi P, Sinha A (1996). Field trial of billings ovulation method of natural family planning. Contraception 53: 69–74.

Hilgers TW and Stanford JB: The Use-Effectiveness to Avoid Pregnancy of the Creighton Model NaProEducation Technology: A Meta-Analysis of Prospective Trials. J Repro Med 43:495-502, June 1998. 

Howard MP & Stanford JB (1999). Pregnancy probabilities during use of the Creighton Model Fertility Care System. Arch Fam Med. 8(5):391-402.

Fehring RJ, Schneider M, Raviele K. Efficacy of cervical mucus observations plus electronic hormonal fertility monitoring as a method of natural family planning. J Obstet Gynecol Neonat Nurs 36:152-160, 2007. 

Fehring, R., Schneider, M., Raviele, K, & Rodriguez, D (2013). Randomized Comparison of Two Internet- Supported Fertility Awareness Based Methods of Family Planning. Contraception. 88(1): 24-30.

Arevalo M, Jennings V, Nikula M, et al. Efficacy of the new TwoDay Method of family planning. Fertil Steril 2004;82: 885–892.

Marcos Arevalo, Victoria Jennings, Irit Sinai (2002). Efficacy of a new method of family planning: the Standard Days Method. Contraception 65: 333–338.

Fehring RJ, Schneider M, Barron ML et al (2013). Influence of motivation on the efficacy of natural family planning. MCN, the American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing 38: 352–358. 

Muut luonnollisen ehkäisyn menetelmät:

Kambic RT, Lamprecht V (1996). Calendar rhythm efficacy: a review. Advances in Contraception 12: 123–128.

G, Frank-Herrmann P, Godehardt E, et al (1998). Retrospective clinical trial of contraceptive effectiveness of the electronic fertility indicator Ladycomp/Babycomp. Advances in Contraception 14: 97–108. 

Bergund Scherwitzl E, Gemzell Danielsson E, Sellberg JA, Scherwitzl R (2017). Perfect-use and typical-use Pearl Index of a contraceptive mobile app. Contraception Volume 96, Issue 6, 420-425 

Labbok MH, Hight-Laukaran V, Peterson AE, et al. Multicenter study of the Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM): I. Efficacy, duration, and implications for clinical application. Contraception 1997; 55: 327–336.

Rachel K. Jones, Julie Fennell, Jenny A. Higgins and Kelly Blanchard. Better than nothing or savvy risk-reduction practice? The importance of withdrawal. Contraception 79 (2009) 407–410.

Katsauksia ja keskustelua:

Manhart MD, Duane M, Lind A, Sinai I, Golden-Tevald J. Fertility awareness-based methods of family planning: a review of effectiveness for avoiding pregnancy using SORT. Osteopathic Fam Physician. 2013;5(1):2-8.

Peragallo Urrutia R, Polis CB, Jensen ET, Greene ME, Kennedy E, Stanford JB (2018). Effectiveness of fertility-awareness-based methods for pregnancy prevention in prospective studies: a systematic review. Obstetrics and Gynecology 132(3):591-604.

Duane Marguerite, Motley, Robert & Manhart, Michael (2013). Physicians Need More Education About Natural Family Planning. American Family Physician 88(3): 158-9. 

Unseld M, Rötzer E, Weigl R, Masel EK & Manhart MD (2017). Use of Natural Family Planning (NFP) and its Effect on Couple Relationship and Sexual Satisfaction: A Multi-Country Survey of NFP Users from US and Europe. Frontiers in Public Health 5: 42.

Shawn Malarcher, Jeff Spieler, Madeleine Short Fabic, Sandra Jordan, Ellen H Starbird & Clifton Kenon (2016). Fertility Awareness Methods: Distinctive Modern Contraceptives. Glob Health Sci Pract 4(1): 13–15.

Stanford, JB, Lemaire JC, Thurman PB (1998) Women’s interest in natural family planning. Journal of Family Practice 46(1):65-71.

Malarcher S, Spieler J, Fabic MS, Jordan S, Starbird EH, Kenon C (2016). Fertility awareness methods: distinctive modern contraceptives. Global Health: Science and Practice 4 (1): 13-15. 

Kristen Austad et al. (2016). Fertility Awareness Methods Are Not Modern Contraceptives: Defining Contraception to Reflect Our Priorities. Glob Health Sci Pract 4(2): 342–345.

Malarcher S, et al. Response to Austad: Offering a Range of Methods, Including Fertility Awareness Methods, Facilitates Method Choice. Glob Health Sci Pract. 2016 Jun 20; 4(2): 346–349. 

Hassoin, D (2018). Natural Family Plannign Method and Barrier: CNGOF Contraception Guidelines. Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol 46(12): 873-882. 

Frank-Herrman, P., Freundl, G., Baur, S., Bremme, M., Döring, G.K., Godehardt, E. et al. Effectiveness and acceptability of the symptothermal method of natural family planning in Germany. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1991; 165: 2052–2064


Hatcher RA, Nelson Al, Trussel J, Cwiak C, Cason P, Policar MS, Edelman A, Aiken ARA, Marrazzo J,Kowal D, (toim). Contraceptive Technology. 21st edition. New York, NY: Ayer Company Publishers, Inc. 2018.

Jane Knight. The Complete Guide to Fertility Awareness. UK: Routledge 2016.

Kierron kartoittaminen, raskauden suunnittelu ja hedelmättömyys

Thijssen, A., Meier, A., Panis, K., & Ombelet, W. (2014). Fertility Awareness-BasedMethods and subfertility: a systematic review. Facts, views & vision in ObGyn, 6(3), 113–123.

Frank-Herrmann P, Jacobs C, Jenetzjy F, Goth C, Piper C, Baur S, Freude G, Goeckenjan M, Strowitzki T (2017). Natural conception rates in subfertile couples following fertility awareness training. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2017; 296: 1015-1024.

Fertility Awareness /Natural Family Planning -menetelmien tieteellistä perustaa:

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  • Hilgers TW, Abraham GE, and Cavanagh D: Natural Family Planning-I. The Peak Symptom and Estimated Time of Ovulation. Obstet Gynecol 52: 575-582, 1978.
  • Cortesi S, Rigoni G, Zen F, et al: Correlation of Plasma Gonadatropins and Ovarian Steroid Pattern with Symptomatic Changes in Cervical Mucus During the Menstrual Cycle in Normal Cycling Women. Contraception. 23: 635-641, 1981.
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